Imagine Centers Host a Dance-A-Thon

On Friday, April 16th, we held our first annual Kids for Kids Dance-A-Thon ,which was a tremendous success! From the company-wide Zoom kick off to the individual classroom dance parties, the children had so much fun dancing for a good cause. Their glowing t-shirts, funky dance moves and smiling faces were a joy to watch! This amazing event inspired so many to donate to this wonderful cause. We were able to raise close to $5000 for our Kids for Kids foundation in this one day!

Please see photos from our Dance-A-Thon event below!

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Dance a thon 1.jpg

Kids 4 Kids Contest

In February of 2021, we challenged our Imagine teachers to create something that highlighted what Kids For Kids means to them. The submissions were a true testament to their passion around this curriculum and the meaning behind it. The winning submission came from BSC Kids in Holtsville NY. It features the Dolphin class and was produced by Allison and Liz, our amazing teachers!


We held a kids for kids bake sale to help our friends at Mind Springs in Tanzania. All the classes baked on Thursday and the center smelled amazing. The cubs made sugar cookies, Penguins made  banana bread, Pandas made brownies, Seahorses made chocolate cupcakes and Dolphins made snickerdoodles and strawberry yogurt cake. The children decorated bags and they took turns selling their treat to the parents Needless to say our bake sale was a huge success! We raised $190.00!!! Thank you for all your support!


Vets Kids hosted their 5th annual Veteran's Day FUN-raiser.

On Monday November 11th, Vets Kids hosted their 5th annual Veteran's Day FUN-raiser benefiting the Veterans Yoga Project, and in honor of Veterans Gratitude Week. Vets Kids collected new yoga mats and families donated baked goods for sale. The Veterans Yoga Project raises awareness of PTSD and provides assistance and advocacy for veterans. This event bridges our Kids for Kids program and our Learning Healthy Early program and is an opportunity to give back to our VA community.
For more information about the Veterans Yoga Project, please visit
